Arai Te Uru was one of 4 taniwha that accompanied the waka Ngatoki Matawhaorua and Mamari from Hawaiki to the Hokianga.
Personal Taniwha of Kupe, Arai Te Uru was sent to guide and protect Nukutawhiti, the grandchild of Kupe on his journey to Aotearoa.
Arriving on the 3 great waves of Kupe, Arai Te Uru took the South Head of the Hokianga habour to reside. Niniwa occupies the North Head. Puhi Moana Ariki and Rangi Uru Hinga returned to Hawaiki to confirm the safe passage.
The children of Arai Te Uru carved out the branches and tributaries of the Hokianga habour.
Carved from a single Totara log and set on a carved Totara Plinth.